
GROW your Marriage

How is your marriage going?
No matter the answer to this question, we encourage you to take a next intentional step in growing your marriage.

Here is how The Table Church can support you.

STEP 1: Do The Marriage Course Online

  • The Marriage Course has been run in over 117 countries for over 1.5 million couples since its inception in 1996.

  • Watch the seven sessions (links below) and interact with the discussion questions.

  • Download or order the accompanying Journal.

STEP 2: Marriage Coaching

  • Meet 3-4 times with an experienced married couple from our church to talk about challenges you have identified.

  • With a variety of backgrounds (military, professional, ministry), our coaching couples are in their 40s and 50s and have been married for at least 10 years.

  • Click the following link if you’d like to get connected to a marriage coach.

STEP 3: Marriage Counseling

  • If you’re facing challenges that require more professional assistance then we would like to refer you to our licensed marriage counselor, Father Craig Brown.

  • Craig is an Anglican priest and a licensed Mental Health Counselor and Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Florida. He has worked extensively in that field, serving in mental health hospitals, in the prison system, and in outpatient settings. He currently serves as an outpatient provider with Baptist Medical Center.