Table Kids
When we meet for worship on Sundays
we have two main goals for our kids:
Provide an opportunity
for families to worship together
We believe that there is power in families worshipping Jesus together. Parents can model for kids what worship looks like, how to pray together, the value in celebrating sacraments like baptism and communion, etc. Participating in parts of the service, children also learn ancient aspects of our faith, like the Lord's Prayer. Our services are not somber and stiff, but joyfully full of wiggly littles!
Share Jesus in age-appropriate, relational and fun ways
Each Sunday service, children are welcomed with their parents and signed in for kids’ church at our welcome table. They enter service and are later dismissed before the sermon for children’s classes in Picolata’s first grade pod directly across from the cafeteria. They rejoin parents at the start of communion.
We offer classes for two age groups: Preschool & Kindergarten and 1st-5th grade.
Curriculum & Safety
We use Group Publishing’s DigIN curriculum.
We deeply value your children’s safety. To this end, our volunteers are all background checked and undergo regular safety and classroom trainings. Every event has volunteers that are American Red Cross certified.
Our littlest littles
For children ages 0-3, we offer a playroom in the back left of the cafeteria with a changing table, age appropriate toys, and sound from the service so that parents can continue to participate. Parents and kids are free to come and go throughout the service.