Sunday Worship
We alternate between Sunday worship services
and Sunday Home Groups.
SUNDAY WORSHIP (1st & 3rd Sundays)
9.30am (donuts & coffee at 9am)
What To Expect
We come to experience and worship God. His Spirit is here with us. The pattern of worship below is found throughout Scripture and is designed to engage our hearts, minds, and actions, intentionally shaping us for life in God’s presence. Let us together draw near to the Father by faith in Christ.
We start with a welcome, opening prayers, a psalm, and worship songs. Children join us during this time.
Hearing from God through the reading and preaching of Scripture. Children (3 years +) are welcome to join The Table Kids.
In response to God’s Word, we spend some time p.r.a.y.ing (pause, repent, ask, yield) followed by celebrating Holy Communion. Following the Lord’s invitation to come to his table is at the heart of our worship service. Everyone who is a baptized follower of Jesus, regardless of denominational affiliation, is welcome to partake of the bread and the wine. The band will lead us in worship and prayer ministry will be available as well. The children will be back in time to join us for Communion.
We finish the service by praying an ancient Post Communion Prayer thanking God and asking him to send us out into the world to participate in his mission. After some announcements everyone is dismissed.